Disco Boy (2023)

Genres: Drama,
Category: Latest-HD, Top-Movies-2024,
Released: 9th March 2023
Duration: 92 min mins
Produced In: France, Italy, Belgium, Poland,
Language: English
Directed By: Giacomo Abbruzzese
Starring: Morr Ndiaye, Wahab Oladiti, Salem Kisita,

Disco Boy description:

After a painful journey through Europe, Aleksei arrives in Paris to join the Foreign Legion. In the Niger Delta, Jomo struggles against the oil companies threatening his village and the lives of his family. One day, at the head of an armed group, he kidnaps French nationals. A commando of the Foreign Legion intervenes, led by Aleksei. The destinies of Aleksei and Jomo will merge and continue across borders, bodies, life and death.

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